Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Early Art Class

For all the early instruction I received in art I never really took to it in school. Never really managed to find my niche or develop a style that I liked. Fortunately, I had an art teacher in elementary school that back then I lacked the vocabulary to describe. Ms. Harold was a 'micromanager.' You'd do half a project and then sit down with her to go over it, and she'd either change it completely or simply finish it for you. It was nice for the rare and uninspired student who disliked art class since they could just rough the project out and let her do all the work. One of the projects I remember is a modular ceramic hamburger that I made in class. Ms. Harold had made the mistake of telling us that big chunks of clay would explode in the kiln, and I designed this burger to go off like a hand grenade during the cooking process. Everyone in class was excited about it, but Ms. Harold hollowed it out and turned it into less dynamic work of art before the kiln firing. It looked totally different than the twisted shrapnel I'd hoped for

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