Sunday, May 16, 2010

So-and-So Has Accepted Your LinkedIn invitation

When I got laid-off about a year ago, I decided immediately that I needed a strong presence on LinkedIn. I thought it might help me find work, and mostly it was something to do between writing SteepandCheap e-mails and watching reruns of Braveheart on TBS. So I set up my profile and e-mailed every person I knew, got ‘linked in’ with them, and then branched out from their friends trying to find connections. I burned out after about a day and mostly gave up on the job networking site. But every once in awhile, I still get e-mails from people who are just now accepting my e-mails to network. It’s as if they’ve waited a year or so to see how I’d do, and now they’re finally giving the nod of approval. I appreciate even the latecomers.

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