Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Japanese Bar

There's a sushi joint not far from my work. They sell cans of saki for $8, but these cans are not listed on the menu. A friend warned me about them, and both times I've visited this restaurant, I've drank two cans. It wasn't until tonight that a friend pointed out the expiration date on the canned saki was in July of 2009. The date on the can is the only thing I understand since the rest is written in Japanese, so for all I know the date listed might be the time that this particular saki becomes drinkable. Maybe we're getting a deal and not actually buying expired saki. That said, this saki is 19% alcohol and comes in 200ml cans. My math on the deal works out like this: 19% alcohol is almost 40 proof, and normal hard liquor is 80 proof. So this saki is about half the strength of straight hard liquor. The can is 200ml, while a normal Coke can is 350ml. After thinking about these variables for about 30 seconds, I'm unable to determine exactly what all this math means, but honestly, I'm pretty sure it all has something to do with the saki being expired.

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