Monday, November 26, 2012

The Early Train

When I travel on weekends I have the option to fly home on Friday afternoon or early on Monday morning and then go straight to work. Flying Monday is nice since it gives you all day Sunday to hangout, but it's not worth it. It's impossible to enjoy that Sunday before your flight; it feels like the last Sunday of summer before you go back to school. And your Monday is a guaranteed loss. You wake up at 3:30 a.m. to rush to the airport, then sit through a flight or two and rush to be the last one at work. By the time you sit at your desk, it's like you've already been working 7 hours. And there's always the chance your Monday morning flight will be delayed or cancelled, and then you get to burn a day of vacation just so you could wake up early and sit in an airport all day. That's what happened last time, the flight was canceled, and wouldn't you know it was a beautiful day? Of course it would be a beautiful day when they canceled your flight.

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