Sunday, December 27, 2009

How to Load a Gun

In 6th grade each student had to present a "How to" speech to our class. Our teacher was always doing projects like this. Back then I thought he was trying to prepare us for the rigors of the upcoming middle school life, but now I know that he was lazy so he'd create projects that would take enormous amounts of class time and leave him with no take-home work. Once we even spent two weeks making collages and then another two weeks individually explaining our collages to the class. Mine had a lot of white space because, "people don't know a lot about me," (negative points for that). For our How-to speech, since this was 6th grade in Wisconsin, every boy wanted to do something along the lines of How to Load a Gun. He denied this topic, so I used my fallback of How to Make an Orange Julius. The coolest one he approved was How to Put an Arrowhead on an Arrow. That was the only one I paid attention to, and though today I have no idea how to make an Orange Julius, I could still put an arrowhead on an arrow.

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