Friday, October 14, 2011

Space Camp

My friend's dad went to Space Camp. Not when he was a teenager and the Space Campers would have been battling the Cosmonauts for space supremacy, but just a few years back. Perhaps it was a childhood dream, or maybe he found inspiration in the 1981 Kirk Cameron film, "Space Camp." I don't know. During Space Camp you stay in bunk beds in what looks like a mission capsule. My friend's dad looks and dresses like a viable presidential candidate. He chose to get a hotel room and take taxis back and forth from camp. Perhaps this is why, despite a strong lobbying campaign, he was not elected as mission commander. I can only imagine this was a bitter disappointment. To wait ages to come to Space Camp and then not be selected as mission commander. But I hope he learned a valuable lesson: It's better to stay in your own hotel and operate the shuttle's robotic arm than sleep in a bunk bed and run the whole show. A lesson we can all learn from.

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